It’s bad enough having a sudden case of gardener’s back after a weekend spent sprucing up your flowerbeds, it lasts for up to a week and it already starts improving after a few days. But not all back pain is this short-lived. Maybe, it’s time for you to look at the benefits of physiotherapy for back pain.
When you have constant back pain that won’t go away, you need help. Your doctor is the first person to see – just in case something is going badly wrong. But after the necessary examinations, tests, and treatments, your doctor may not be able to do much other than prescribe painkillers. Here’s how physiotherapy can help you to reduce or overcome that constant ache.
We Decrease Pain
If you’re experiencing back pain right now, you want relief first! Pain reduction is the first goal of physiotherapy too. You can’t enjoy life while you’re suffering, but we can help to reduce it. We may massage muscles, manipulate joints, or apply treatments using specialized equipment. It all depends on the cause of your pain.
We Increase Function
Your body tells you when it doesn’t want to perform certain movements, but your mind wants your body to get things done. End the conflict between body and mind by improving function. That doesn’t mean forcing yourself to carry on through the pain. On the contrary, you need to listen to your body. Pain is there to tell you something’s not right.
We Provide Advice
If you injured your back, there’s a very good reason why that happened. Sometimes, it’s an obvious one. You were in an accident and sustained an injury, or you lifted something heavy and ended up in agony. But sometimes, you simply don’t know what’s causing your back pain. That’s because the injury progressed slowly over the course of time.
As you know, there’s a right and a wrong way to pick up heavy objects – but there are also correct and incorrect ways of doing things as simple as standing, walking, or sitting at your desk. If poor posture is causing your back pain, we can help you with advice that will save you from back pain in the future.
You also need to handle recovery from back pain with care. Your physiotherapist at Bentall Physiotherapy will discuss what you should and should not do during your recovery and beyond.
It’s a Process, but One Worth Embarking on
We can’t tell you just how we’ll treat your back pain until we’ve assessed your situation. And although our pain relief interventions should have you feeling a whole lot better fast, we can’t offer an instant cure. Like so many of the good things in life, undergoing physiotherapy for back pain is a process.
In a nutshell, our job is to help your body with its own healing. Beyond that, we also want to make sure that there’s less chance of you being in pain again. We’d love to give you an instant fix, but we can’t. However, if you take the time to work with your physiotherapist, you could overcome back pain – and never experience it again!
Of course, there are some people who have conditions that will never heal altogether, but we can help them too. The body is a marvellous machine, and when one system isn’t working as it should, we can encourage other systems to help. For example, if you have a spinal injury, your muscles can help to support your back, reducing your discomfort and allowing you to enjoy better quality of life than you otherwise would.
Can we Help You with Back Pain? Yes, we Can
You probably won’t be surprised to discover that we see a lot of patients with back pain of one kind or another. Lower back pain is the most common of all musculoskeletal complaints and even the rise in carpal tunnel syndrome hasn’t knocked it down into second place yet.
As a result, we can safely say that treating back pain is one of a physiotherapist’s specialities. If you have back pain, physiotherapy will benefit you. And, although getting the full benefits of physiotherapy for back pain may take some time, it’s worth getting those long-lasting results.