Physiotherapy in Downtown Vancouver

We help you get better faster and more permanently by treating the source of your problem instead of the symptoms. Our staff will educate you on how to make basic habit and movement modifications to reduce the chance of re-injury.

More About Physiotherapy in Downtown Vancouver

Physiotherapy is a science-based health care profession with a focus on the body: its function, movements and ability to lead an active lifestyle. With a thorough knowledge of anatomy, biomechanics (how the body moves) and physiology (how the body’s systems work together), physiotherapists are body experts. At Bentall Physiotherapy, we will:

If you are a new patient and would like to book an appointment, please book online to use our 24/7 online appointment bookings service. For additional availabilities, you can contact our clinic directly during regular business hours!

Physiotherapy Treatment Techniques

After a thorough assessment of the muscles, joints and ligaments in your area of injury or pain, your physiotherapist will create a treatment plan. This treatment plan,unique to your specific needs and goals, will involve several different treatment techniques and will evolve as you improve.

Your physiotherapist will explain what they are doing and why, but if you desire further information or are curious about what physiotherapy treatment techniques we offer at Bentall Physiotherapy, they are explained in this section of our website. Feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.

Please consider the information below to be a general guide to a very complex and diverse science. The techniques we use are all evidence based and our physiotherapists are well qualified to perform them.

Spiral Stabilization is an unique exercise method effective in prevention and treatment of spinal disorders, muscle imbalance and mechanical problems of peripheral joints (shoulders, hips, keens and feet). This unconventional movement approach relies on the concept of spiral muscle chains producing traction of the spine that relieves pressure in the intervertebral discs and joints and allows for the proper nutrition and regeneration. Muscle spirals also allow for optimal spinal mobility while aligning the spine into a centralized axis.

The exercises are performed with an elastic cord and incorporate all important elements of strengthening, stabilization, stretching, relaxation, coordination and balance in every exercise.

They are easy to learn as they are based on the natural movement patterns of the body regularly used during walking and running.

How does it work?

Initially the focus goes to reducing muscle imbalances in the shoulder. We continue by correcting the muscle imbalance in the pelvis and later in the abdominal region. We stretch the muscles compressing the spine – long muscles located along the spine. We renew the activity of the short muscles that coordinate the mutual alignment of the vertebrae. We exercise the muscle spirals through body’s main section – the external, internal oblique and transverse abdominal muscles, which contract the area of the waist and create an upward force. After correctly performing the exercises with an excellent technique standing on both feet, we continue by exercising on only one foot. Exercising on one foot develops a sense of balance and increases the effect of spiral stabilization (intensively strengthens the abdominal muscles) and supports the arch of the foot.

Who can benefit from Spiral Stabilization Exercises?

Spiral Stabilization is especially for those who suffer from:

  • Disc degeneration/prolapse/herniation – with the help of muscle chains the body develops upward strength that relieves pressure on the intervertebral discs and joints and allows for their regeneration and treatment.
  • Scoliosis (kyphosis, lordosis) – exercises will change the insufficient activity of the muscle spirals to its correct functioning and create a dynamic stabilizing muscle corset, which will cause upward traction force, bringing the spine to the central axis.
  • Failed back surgery syndrome – treatment and prevention of complications after unsuccessful spinal surgeries.
  • Hip and knee surgery – treatment and prevention of unstable walking after hip or knee surgery or as a preparation for surgery.
  • Children/Youth – the exercise is aimed at regeneration focusing on reversing poor posture, which is frequently caused by long periods of sitting at a desk at school, also kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis and Scheuermann’s disease.
  • Middle aged/General pain sufferers – the exercises will be aimed at rectifying muscle imbalances caused by a sedentary job and asymmetric loading such as overworking or overusing. We concentrate on renewing muscle balance, releasing painful muscle tension and optimizing movement coordination

Osteopathy is an ancient science that views the body as a complete unit, not as an assortment of systems or joints. Osteopathic manual therapy uses hands-on techniques to both diagnose and treat the the soft tissues of your body (muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia) as well as your joints and bones in order to restore your body’s natural movements. If any of these structures are not moving properly, there can be structural changes that can lead to arthritis, nerve impingement or a compromise in blood flow – all of which can lead to further injury or disease. The return of mobility and structural integrity allows your body’s tissue tension to find it’s natural balance, creating favourable conditions for healing.Please contact us if you would like to learn more about osteopathic manual therapy or book a session with one of our physiotherapists.

“Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.”
(Hippocrates, 460 BC – 377 BC)

When a joint is unable to move freely, a cycle of muscle spasm, pain, and fatigue begins. Joint dysfunction (stiffness) can be caused by a number of things such as: poor posture, trauma, chronic inflammatory disease, overuse, or congenital conditions. If left untreated, joint dysfunction can affect the surrounding soft tissue (ligaments, tendons or muscles) and may lead to a loss of strength and flexibility. When left too long, joint dysfunction eventually leads to irreversible structural changes in your joints and a loss of function.

Joint mobilizations are hands-on techniques designed to restore normal joint mobility. You may feel some deep stretching when they are being done or nothing at all.

Your spine is actually a series of joints and the cycle described above can affect it too. Spinal mobilizations are specific techniques used to restore normal mobility in your spine.

A healthy body is an integrated neuromyofascial system, able to effectively transfer loads through the joints while maintaining mobility. This is a complex way of describing what we unconsciously do all day, whenever we move. Every movement requires the precise recruitment and timing of muscle contractions as well as stability of the surrounding tissues. This is all controlled by your nervous system (your brain, spinal column and nerves). At the same time it is causing movement, it is getting feedback to make sure the movement is being done right, adjusting the movements if needed and recording the experience as a movement pattern.

This synergy can easily be disrupted in the event of injury, chronic disease, repetitive strain or even poor postural habits as any of these can cause pain, stiffness, weakness or instability. Over time, your body tries to accommodate for these symptoms, often resulting in compensating movement patterns, which can then cause further dysfunction. For example, if a movement hurts, you might try to find a different way of doing it that ultimately causes strain on other joints.

After identifying and addressing the underlying issue (ie pain, stiffness or weakness), the goal of physiotherapy is to re-establish normal (or optimal) movement patterns. In other words, your physiotherapist will give you exercises to teach your body how to move properly again. This part of your treatment plan is called motor control or muscular retraining. Some of the basic principles involved are isolating positions for optimal muscle recruitment, low level of tension and integration of breathing.

Neuromuscular mobilization is a technique used in the assessment and treatment of neural structures. These structures can be easily affected by restrictions or inflammation in the spinal column or in tissues surrounding the nerve anywhere along its path. Any structural changes like a disc protrusion (ie a bulging disc), osteophytes (little bone spurs that can grow off any bone) or carpal tunnel syndrom (a condition where the nerves that pass through the wrist get constricted) can produce tension on neural structures. Tension can reduce elasticity, creating a low degree of inflammation and a tendency for nerves to adhere to surrounding tissues. This situation can lead to pain, bad postures, compensation movements, muscular weakness and joint stiffness if left untreated.

The goal of neuromuscular mobilization is to restore nerve elasticity and its ability to glide through surrounding tissues. A healthy nervous system is crucial to regaining muscle strength, motor control or correcting patterns of movement and forming good postural habits. Therefore, neuromuscular mobilization, in conjunction with joint mobilization, postural re-education and strengthening exercises are the cornerstone of any treatment plan for musculoskeletal problems.

Fascia is the fibrous tissue that supports joint capsules and ligaments as well as encases muscles separating them into groups and layers. As a result of trauma or chronic inflammation, tension builds in the fascia causing it to shorten, lose elasticity and adhere to itself or surrounding tissues. This results in increased muscle tension, restricted joint mobility and blood flow.

Myofascial release is a hands–on soft tissue mobilization technique used to release tension in the fascia by breaking up these adhesion, relaxing muscle tension, improving blood flow and restoring joint function.

Spinal decompression or traction is a treatment technique where a gentle stretching force is applied to the vertebrae (bones) of the spine. This can be done by a piece of specialized equipment (a spinal decompression bed) or traction can be applied manually by your physiotherapist.

Spinal decompression has been found effective in the treatment of many conditions including:

  • cervical (neck) or low back pain due to disc protrusion/herniation (bulging) or degenerative changes
  • stiffness leading to nerve impingement
  • tension of the muscles that run the length of your spine (your paraspinal muscles)
  • headaches

Taping and strapping are techniques that can help prevent injury as well as protect from re-injury while returning to sport or work. The role of the tape is to limit movement in an injured joint to prevent excess or abnormal movement. In addition it should provide support to the muscles surrounding the joint which might be under additional strain due to the injury.

Kinesio Taping is particularly beneficial in the rehabilitation of joints because it gives support and stability without compromising circulation and range of motion. It also reduces pain and inflammation while helping to relax overused muscles. Because it can enhance proprioceptive feedback (knowing where your body is in space) it can also be a useful tool in muscular re-training and motor control. Kinesio Taping is also an excellent technique used for postural awareness and re-training.

Capnometry (a breathing evaluation) is objective way to analyze your breathing pattern and its effectiveness in getting oxygen into your body. People who suffer from chronic pain conditions or anxiety often have altered breathing habits. Breathing too fast and/or too deeply (ie hyperventilating) leads to hypocapnia, which is an abnormally low level of CO2 in exhaled air. This simple analysis can be used clinically to teach strategies to modify breathing patterns and thereby improve your body’s performance.

LASER (Light Amplification Stimulated Emission of Radiation) has been used with a very high success rate in the treatment of injuries such as muscle strains/sprains, ligament and tendon injuries, open wounds and bone injuries including fractures and joint dysfunction. LASER is a therapeutic application of low power, visible red or near-infrared light to stimulate cell regeneration. A small, concentrated beam of laser light penetrates into the tissue where it is absorbed and converted to biochemical energy which speeds up healing and reduces pain and inflammation.

Ultrasound is a therapeutic modality that utilizes high frequency sound waves (too high to be heard by humans) to produce micro-vibration in tissues. This micro-movement of particles produces heat which helps break down scar tissue. Ultrasound can also accelerate the healing process by increasing blood flow and stimulating the production of collagen (an important protein found in muscles, tendon, ligament and skin) to repair damaged tissue.

Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) uses low-level electrical currents to stimulate muscles, forcing them to contract involuntarily. It is very useful as a treatment technique for motor control and muscular re-training and can be used in the very early stages of physical rehabilitation following injury to the muscle tissue, long periods of immobilization or an injury that affected the nervous system. The goals of EMS are two-fold. The first is purely to build muscle tone and strength in weakened muscles. The second goal is to force the contraction of muscles in a desired pattern, aiming to strengthen the link between the brain and the movement. Once strength and motor control has been regained, physical rehabilitation progresses to more strenuous and functional exercises. EMS can also be used to relax muscle spasms, prevent atrophy, increase blood circulation and improve range of motion.

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), Interferential Current (IFC) and Microcurrent Stimulation are other electrothermal modalities used to increase blood circulation, stimulate tissue healing, reduce swelling and pain and restore normal muscle function.

Radial Shockwave is the application of a high-energy acoustic wave into the tissue of the affected area. This scientifically proven, non-invasive treatment promotes healing and regeneration process by increasing blood flow and tissue oxygenation, dissolving calcified fibroblasts, and increasing collagen production. It has been found effective in treatment of conditions like tennis elbow, heel spurs, Achilles tendonitis, rotator cuff tendonitis, and many other chronic conditions. On average, just 3-5 treatments are needed at weekly intervals. Most clients feel significant improvement after just one treatment. If you are suffering from a chronic condition that has not responded to other forms of treatment, we would encourage you to consider shockwave.

We strive to...

Provide you with science-based, personalized physiotherapy care
Constantly advance our therapeutic skills by attending continuing education courses
Provide a comprehensive assessment before starting any treatment
Maintain ongoing communication with the medical community to optimize your recovery

Insurance & Billing

We direct bill all major insurance companies, ICBC, WorkSafe BC and MSP so that you can focus your time and energy on getting better.

The Bentall Physiotherapy Difference

Focus On The Source

We want you to get back to a normal and active life as quickly and safely as possible. Instead of treating your symptoms for temporary pain relief, we focus on identifying the source of the problem and treat that for long lasting results. Visit our Vancouver physiotherapy clinic today!

Focus On Education

We want you to see lasting results. Our team members will assess a variety of movement patterns and postures while empowering you with education and exercises so that you can reduce the risk of re-injury and prevent new injuries from occurring.

Holistic Approach

We understand that the human body is incredibly interconnected. We use a variety of technology and techniques to detect and treat not only the underlying cause of your problem but also other areas of your body that might be contributing to the problem.

Our Satisfied Patients

We love hearing from our patients! Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to provide us with feedback. It means the world to us!